
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What if we believe God exists?

This is a question that has been asked by many Christians, including a leader of a Christian advocacy organization recently. It's a strange question for most of us who belong to a congregation, call ourselves Christian and show up to church on Sunday. We would say that of course God exists.

But what if we believe God really exists? These words are both challenging and comforting. If God really exists, then nothing is the same.

What about God's powerful calls for justice for the oppressed, for freedom for the captives and unconditional love for all?

What about Jesus' promises that he will never leave us alone? that we will both die and live with him? that we are all infinitely loved?

What does it mean for us that we are disciples of the living, real God in the world?

What does it mean for the world that God is in charge?

Let's talk about this --

God's peace+
Vicar Evan

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