
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 11, 2011

This Sunday will mark the 10th anniversary of the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001, which claimed thousands of lives here in America and has led to a decade of war which has claimed untold thousands more.  It is a day of remembrance, of mourning and lamentation and of sober reflection upon Christ's call to forgiveness.  It will be a special service here at Christ Lutheran, and I hope you'll be able to attend.  Below I have reposted an article from our September newsletter as well as a litany we will be praying together this Sunday.  Please feel free to add your thoughts and prayers in the comment section below.

From the Vicar's September newsletter article:

"It is also a time of reflection and remembrance as the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks arrives on the second Sunday of this month. Some of us may feel renewed sadness, fear, uncertainty or anger when we remember the tragic events of this day. When I consider the past ten years, I am struck by the grief of those who lost loved ones and the incredible burdens borne by those serving in our military and their families during ten years of ongoing war. I am also saddened by the grief and loss felt by the people of Iraq and Afghanistan who have lived through decades of violence, death and uncertainty. 

In the midst of this sadness and hardship, however, our God does not leave us alone. Through the cross, Jesus defeated the powers of sin and death, not through violence but through suffering the violent acts of others. Jesus has opened for us new possibilities of living peacefully with each other, calling us to love our enemies, to turn the other cheek and to forgive. These are not easy things to do, and none of us will ever do them perfectly. I believe, however, that the experience of the unconditional, endless love of Christ makes it possible for us to love and forgive others. May we all consider the possibility of peace and forgiveness that Christ has opened up for us as we observe this memorial for our nation."

Litany from “9/11”
Written by Gabe Huck
Commissioned by Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church, New York City

We will pray this litany together during the Prayers of Intercession.

Lord and lover of humankind,
Teach us to groan as you must groan, sudden mourners, all of us.
Cry with us, instruct us in the language of lamentation.
For wars we thought were far away have snatched lives so near,
Anonymous as our own, and dear as our own,
And what shall we do Lord, with all our might?
What are we to do?
Lord, Good Lord, hold us in your arms as we tear open the gospel’s hard truth.
Is this the hour to trample down violence, to deny death any more lives?
To refuse false safety in walls and weapons, to beg of you Lord,
Courage enough to look at all that is amiss in our world?
Father, forgive.
Father, forgive the hatred which divides nation from nation, race from race, class from class.
Father, forgive.
Father, forgive the greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth.
Father forgive.
Father, forgive our envy of the welfare and happiness of others.
Father forgive.
Father, forgive our indifference to the plight of the imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee.
Father, forgive.
Father, forgive the lust which dishonors the bodies of men, women, and children.
Father, forgive.
Father, forgive the pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God.
Father, forgive. Father, forgive.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you.

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