Last week I decided to introduce to the CELC sermon & devotions blog something that we would do in youth group and worship conference a lot when I was growing up - watching music videos that might have something to say about God or faith. Anberlin, last week's band, is made up of people who I believe would call themselves Christians but they are not a "Christian band," per se, meaning they don't only sing praise and worship songs. However, if you listen carefully, you can see their faith coming out in the lyrics.
This week's band, Switchfoot, is a little more out there with their Christianity. They've had a bunch of top hits, including this one, "Meant to Live." Listen carefully, and keep their message in mind when you hear this week's Gospel text on Sunday (Matthew 21:33-46). What were we "meant to live" for? What are God's hopes for us? When we fall short, and we will, what is God's message of grace for us?
But stay tuned - this is just the beginning! I have officially declared the beginning of YOU TUBE FRIDAY on the CELC sermon & devotions blog. Each Friday, visit the blog for music, stories, inspirational speakers or things that make you think twice! And now, without further ado, Switchfoot (lyrics below):