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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The war is over

March 20, 2003.  Eight years, eight months, and 25 days ago.  I was a senior in high school then, and the images of the bombs detonating in Baghdad on CNN are something I will never forget.  Much more vivid are the memories of the over 1 million American military personnel who served and fought in this war, which is now over.  24,219 American, British, new-Iraqi, and other coalition forces and contractors were killed, and about 118,000 wounded.  As many as 37,000 forces who fought for Saddam Hussein and post-war insurgents were killed, and untold thousands more were wounded.  Directly or indirectly, anywhere from 600 to 900,000 civilians died as a result of the war. 

It is most certainly a time to remember, and honor, the sacrifices made by the members of our military and those of other nations who fought alongside.  It is a time to rejoice at the return of so many young men and women to be home with their families this Christmas.  It is a time to remember the many thousands of servicemen and women who are still fighting in Afghanistan.  It is also a time to remember the terrible human cost of all war, and to pray for the day when war will be no more - a day promised to us by the God who will beat all swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks.  Let us pray also that the leaders of the world will consider first the needs of all people everywhere, no matter which nation they live in, and govern with the wisdom and compassion necessary to avoid war and violence wherever possible.  But right now, we can give special thanks to God that this war is now over.  Let us pray that the people of Iraq may have a peaceful, free, and blessed future.

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