
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What would you miss?

This past Sunday I attended my brother's wedding in Charlottesville, Virginia. I missed worshiping here at Christ Lutheran on Sunday. This even surprised me a little bit, honestly, as I have only been here just a month. I worshiped at a different congregation on Sunday, and some things in the service rubbed me the wrong way. But in any case, I just found myself missing the parts of the liturgy that were absent, and really longing for church to happen the way I wanted . . .

No church is perfect, and liturgy is what the gathered assembly does, whatever that is, it's not a set procedure or a strict list.

Visiting with some of the homebound members of CELC, I've noticed a common theme in that many of these members really miss the church services. They miss the hymns, liturgy, and even the sermons! And of course, they miss seeing their friends, the community gathered, and the space which is their church home.
But in terms of what we do in worship, what would you miss most if you were unable to worship? Are there words of the liturgy that are especially central for you? As always, feel free to comment on this post if you want! For me, some things that are really central are the confession and absolution, the hymn of praise, and the communion hymn (Lamb of God. . . )

Have a great, blessed day. Give thanks for opportunities we do have to worship, everywhere, in any way.


Vicar Brett

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