
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Attention people of Christ Lutheran, our God has been sighted at work!!  Sue Maser has a story to share about some Easter grace in the world and in her life...(this was written during Lent, FYI)

Remember that you are dust… And to dust you shall return..

We are in the midst of Lent. It is a sobering time every year when we hear these words spoken on Ash Wednesday at church. Certainly these words or the truth they convey are not new to us. But we can go about our lives most of the time and not think very hard about them..

But during Lent and especially on Ash Wednesday and then during Holy week as we are reminded that we are dust and that even our Savior died.. or when something happens to us to undermine our sense of well being or when our health is compromised these words are many times brought home to us.

This year, right before Lent, I was happily making my way to my niece’s house to play cards… Instead.. I tripped and fell.. put my arm out to catch myself and instead put it through a chain link fence! I ended up breaking my humerus just below the shoulder and just above the elbow. Now, I know this happens to many people.. (well maybe not the fence part!) But when it happens to you.. it is different somehow.. A part of my body was literally broken… it had betrayed me.. I could not use it as I had taken for granted every day of my life until that time.. I believe that at first I was in shock.. and just retreated.. The process was a kind of roller coaster ride for me. 
During this same period, several members of my family became ill in one way or another.. a sister was hospitalized with a very serious condition. There was division in my church family… In fact at one point, I made the statement to a church member “ Well I fell and broke my arm, everyone is sick, and our church seems to be falling apart… it’s LENT! But… Easter is right around the corner and maybe spring is on the way!!

At first my entire arm was limp and I could only use my hand. But then, gradually as the bone began to heal.. I was able to use the forearm and the elbow and it seemed to me as though my arm were dead as was regaining new life! And I have learned just how many friends I have and how many people really do care.

At the same time.. people have regained health.. even the sister who was so gravely ill and could have died! Our church family has had some healing discussions.. and it seems as though we are and want to continue to be a church family doing the mission that God has given us on our corner in Lancaster.

The church and my arms still have a way to go.. but both are moving forward.. and Easter is indeed on the way! I truly believe that He gives beauty for ashes and that with God nothing is impossible!

All of this has given me time to reflect inwardly on many things and indeed this may turn out to be the most meaningful Lent I have ever experienced even if some of it was very unpleasant.

We are of course still but dust.. but we also know the end of the story.. that Jesus, though his earthly body did suffer and die, rose from the dead to free us from the power of sin and death and to raise us up to new life.. in this life and in the life to come!

Let us pray.. Dear Lord as we remember how you suffered and died to bring us new life in you, let us always be grateful and show this by our love to one another and our love and service to others. Amen

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