
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where Are We?

After worship on Sunday, March 25, a large group of our members gathered to discuss their feelings and perceptions about our congregation at the moment. The questions considered are listed below, along with individual responses to each question, which have been copied verbatim here. There were more thoughts during the meeting than just those represented here, but from these you will get a sense of our conversation. See the “From the Vicar” article in the April newsletter for more of my reflections, but as you can see below, the Holy Spirit was at work in these honest and faithful thoughts!
- Vicar Evan

1) If you were talking with your best friend outside of church, and that person asked you how things were going at Christ Lutheran, what would you say?

  • I would say that things were not very good and that there was some dissension amongst the congregation
  • We're facing different challenges
  • The best we can with a small congregation
  • I'm having difficulty with bringing in a new intern and dealing with the issue of homosexuality and the intern. I'm working through it, or trying to work through it.
  • We've hit a road bump, but that should get better after a while.
  • Closed minds – not willing to change
  • Things are difficult but I believe they will get better
  • Complicated, we have been placed in a situation that is complicated. I have faith that we will persevere through.
  • We are going through a rocky patch
  • We are having a very difficult time
  • Turmoil
  • The church, as the world, has new issues to deal with together
  • We have ICAN, Thursday community meal, clothing bank, food bank, youth group, but division is hurting our effectiveness
  • We are struggling.

2) Name two frustrations you are currently feeling regarding Christ Lutheran and your ministry here.

  • Obviously the vicar situation and the small congregation on Sundays
  • There seems to be a division of thinking of our members and not wanting to be of one mind
  • How different topics bring division among folks, and move to other churches, and have to face the same topics
  • The area we live in has hurt the church
  • My frustration is that homosexuality could be inborn and I have relatives in my extended family who are gay (brother & sister). It was hard for me to think of anyone not accepting an intern who is gay.
  • People bringing chaos to the church and then leaving after getting their way.
  • Losing members; Vicar program – changing year after year; Anger – not willing to change feelings
  • Need more people to do things and get involved
  • Being put in the situation that could divide the church and divide the congregation. Possibly reduce members.
  • To see people who have hurt feelings and not know how to help them
  • I am frustrated that we are not acting like Christians in that we are too judgmental and we do not love one another as Christ has commanded us
  • The lack of stable leadership of a pastor (the past three vicars have been great) – the bond between a spiritual leader and a church has to be strong!
  • Entire congregation should support events – NEED to talk to people face to face, not behind backs
  • Not knowing members well enough to work together – to have more social events together.
  • Our decision on the vicar for 2012-2013, the lack of faith in our church council's decision.
  • Prejudice. The fact that the council can be made to change their mind.

3) To what extent is there division in the congregation? How would you describe such division, if any? Are there members of the church you do not trust or find yourself consciously avoiding? (we do not need to name people)

  • The people that concerned me the most are no longer members
  • Yes. Not trust as an issue, but folks take things personally
  • None
  • I don't distrust anyone.
  • It seems like it is other people against my family.
  • The church is divided by those who don't get their one way
  • I don't know if there is division too much.
  • I think there are members who are hurt and we can try to heal together
  • We are a group who don't want to “play” if we can't do it our way
  • Respecting what each other think without taking it personally
  • People want their own way
  • We don't know members well enough to know their feelings. I have no bad feelings toward other members.
  • The division is great. People are leaving the church. The division has split us over the ministry. No, not avoiding, just different viewpoints.
  • Disagreement rather than lack of trust; family issues

4) If you have identified any division or major challenges in the congregation, what will it take to heal these divisions/challenges? If you yourself have been hurt or frustrated, what do you need from your sisters and brothers to heal?

  • Honesty, respect, and love. Conflict resolution
  • To know that GOD will be the one who will JUDGE
  • We need to talk and listen to the feelings of each other
  • Time – willingness to change – listen, understand
  • To change and be more open to each other
  • We should be open and patient and state our opinion but not be disrespectful
  • Love & understanding & prayer
  • Time/respect
  • Be open, respectful, patient, kind and get to know one another.
  • Can we develop more of a “what would Jesus do?” mentality? Can we trust God's guidance?
  • Speak to others with respect & love, and understand where others are. Honesty and respect, tolerance.

5) Can the members of Christ Lutheran (yourself included) disagree on major topics of faith and scriptural interpretation and still be a united, mission-focused and confident congregation? Why?

  • There is not any reason any God-fearing person should or could not remain united & mission focused
  • Sometimes, but there is an uncertain future
  • Most can, but apparently not others.
  • Yes, because we might not view the same way about the love life of people but we can still pray for people.
  • No – need to be willing to be open minded, to change and grow
  • Yes, you are an individual and should be able to have your own opinion and be open to others
  • We need to try but we have so many different churches it's obvious that there may be many interpretations.
  • Yes
  • Yes, I think so – if we respect, and love one another and respect one another's opinions
  • If it isn't against God's will, we can agree to disagree and act in love and pray for God's healing
  • Yes, we have to be tolerant and work for God's ministry among us.
  • Sometimes, sometimes not.

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