
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christ Lutheran Is Talking!

If you attended the discernment small group kick-off this past Sunday, November 13, you know that it was a great success! Members of the congregation gathered around tables, over a delicious meal, to talk about who we are as the people of Christ Lutheran. Stories were told, moments were remembered, and we considered what makes us unique.

I want to share with everyone the wonderful thoughts you all have about our church.  What follows is verbatim from the responses recorded on the group sheets.  Duplicate responses from the groups have been preserved.  
I cannot say how thankful I am for the faithful reflections you all are having. I was so excited to see several times that we know we're saved by God's grace! God is indeed present in Christ Lutheran's transition, and God will show us the way. As you can see, there are a variety of perspectives in the congregation. Let's keep talking and digging deeper!

I'm looking forward to Session Two, “Why Are We Here?,” on Sunday, December 11 (after worship).

1) Who are we? Who are we in God's eyes? Define Christ Lutheran.
  • Disciples of Christ
  • Stewards of God's will
  • Striving to change our way
  • Christ Lutheran serves as a “training center” for future ministers through our vicar program
  • Group of God's children
  • Gathered in all of our diversities to share God's word and love
  • Urban congregation
  • Children of God
  • Witnesses
  • Ambassadors
  • Should be more consistent
  • Gifted
  • Teachers
  • Peacemakers
  • God's own people
  • Servers
  • Children of God
  • Teachers
  • Brothers and Sisters (family)
  • Survivors
  • Providers
  • We are one with God
  • We are God's witnesses, his brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • We are God's mission and offer community support
  • Providers
  • Blessed
  • Forgiven
  • Beloved
  • Called
  • Enlightened

2) Who are we not?

  • We are not closed minded
  • Not willing to try change
  • Leaders
  • We aren't growing
  • Witnesses
  • Easy to change
  • Perfect
  • Judges
  • Issue free
  • Without sin
  • Always agreeable
  • Peacemakers – not always
  • Not completely enlightened
  • Growing
  • We are not judges
  • We are not lost
  • We are not evil doers
  • Not financially strong, but improved
  • Not reaching inactives
  • Lack of participation by many
  • Not a lot of children
  • As friendly as we could be

3) What do you treasure most about Christ Lutheran?

  • Family ties that bind the congregation together
  • Memories
  • Congregation
  • Forgiving
  • Communion every week
  • Church retreats
  • Structured church
  • Memories
  • Building
  • People
  • That our congregation is a kindred spirit worshiping God and we treasure the membership of Christ Lutheran Church
  • Heritage
  • Fellowship
  • Worship
  • Sunday School – throughout the year
  • Special services
  • Hymn sings
  • Past organizations
  • Communion of saints
  • Fellowship of believers

4) What does it mean to be a Lutheran church? If someone asked you what Lutherans were all about, what would you say?

  • We as Lutherans believe that we are saved through faith not deeds
  • We believe in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
  • We believe that the bread and wine is the body and blood of Christ, not a symbol
  • We believe in ONE baptism
  • Saved by grace
  • We are between the Protestant and Catholic beliefs
  • Liturgical church
  • Consubstantiation (real presence of Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Communion)
  • Saved by grace
  • Beautiful liturgy
  • Unique understanding of the sacraments
  • Teachings of Martin Luther
  • Confessional church
  • Defined by our theology
  • Conservative
  • Comparable to Catholic
  • Traditional
  • As Lutherans, we believe in justification by faith and that we are saved by grace
  • Lutherans are all about helping people
  • We also focus on the three in one – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

5) Did this congregation have some “glory days,” and if so when were they? What were they like?

  • When the Boy Scouts were here
  • More youth group involvement in the 90's
  • Vacation Bible Schools
  • 1950's a large congregation
  • In the 60's and 70's, we had two services with over 100 people each service
  • The church expanded in the 60's and built the Parish Ed. Building
  • It was like a big family where everybody knew each other
  • 1940's and 50's and 60's
  • Large youth groups
  • Large men's group
  • Large women's groups
  • Large Sunday School
  • New building built
  • Groups had a lot of activities and participation
  • 1950's and 1960's
  • Very large youth group
  • Open parlor for the holidays
  • There were two Sunday church services and the balcony as well as the church parlor were filled to capacity
  • Multiple teachers were needed because of the large Sunday School classes
  • There were many activities for the congregation to take part in on Sundays and during the week

6) What types of changes have happened since those days?
  • We went to one service in the 80's
  • Our congregation became elderly and a lot of young members moved away
  • Neighborhood changed
  • Most members no longer live in walking distance
  • Communion
  • Families grew and spread out
  • Elders can't come to church
  • Times have changed
  • People have to work on Sundays or have sports
  • Pastor Lisse retired
  • The change of our communion which caused a rift in our congregation
  • Less youth in our congregation
  • The urban area
  • Lack of respect
  • The church is no longer the center of community life
  • Blue laws were repealed and businesses were allowed to open on Sundays, consequently, many people must work on Sundays
  • Society changed
  • Technology
  • School activities
  • Activity centered other places than church
  • Neighborhood changed
  • Walking to church (people don't do this anymore)
  • Deaths
7) What has caused these changes?

  • Times changing
  • The communion issue in the 90's
  • Key members died or moved away
  • Church finance situation became very grave
  • Crime rate
  • Death
  • Relocation
  • Lack of respect and morals
  • No outreach to our community
  • Hecticness of our lives
  • We have isolated ourselves in our everyday life
  • The world has changed and greed has taken over
  • Everyone is in a hurry with little time for church
  • Technology has changed the way we worship
  • Church needs to be more entertaining in order to attract people, especially the youth
  • Church not top priority
  • Work schedules
  • Blue laws” changed – stores now open on Sunday
  • Lack of participation
  • Time of services

8) Where and how is God working right now in our life together as Christ Lutheran?

  • Through our outreach with community meals & ICAN
  • Vicar program has brought new ideas to us
  • We are more willing to try new ideas
  • We came together for wall project, kitchen project, and now painting fund
  • We are meeting and discerning
  • We're financially stable and surviving
  • We're growing with babies and teens dating
  • This meeting
  • God has brought us together with our “renters” and is enabling us to go forward in our ministry
  • Our youth group is now working with the youth group of Emmanuel Lutheran Church
  • The five baptisms just recently
  • Intern program
  • The “ICAN group” involvement
  • Community meal
  • God is present in our transition – we are still here!

9) If a tornado came through and completely destroyed both our buildings, would Christ Lutheran still exist? Who would we be? Would we be the same? If not, how would we be different?

  • Yes, it would exist
  • * Would we exist? *
  • We would have some problems but we would work together and find a new place to meet
  • Yes. We would have a struggle and lose members but we would survive.
  • No, it would be overwhelming especially for elders and some would initiate rebuilding but others would go to another church
  • We would still exist as we are “the body of Christ” and not just a building
  • We would be the same because we are still God's family
  • A tragedy such as a tornado destroying our church would make us stronger and more united
  • Church is people
  • Need strong leadership
  • There would be help from others
  • Stronger
  • God would be in our midst
  • We would still love each other

In this time of transition, we will continue to listen to God to hear how we might be called to carry out God's work in our community for years to come. There are several more small group Sundays scheduled over the next several months. Here are the details on upcoming meetings:

Sunday, December 11, 2011: Session Two – Why Are We Here?

Sunday, January 29, 2012: Session Three – Who Is Our Neighbor?

Sunday, February 26, 2012: Session Four – What Is Our Mission?

Sunday, March 25, 2012: Session Five – How Do We Get There?

During each upcoming meeting, Vicar Evan will teach Sunday School for our younger children so that their teachers and parents may participate in the discussion. After our final small group Sunday in March, a smaller group of volunteers will compile the results of our discussions and draft a mission plan for Christ Lutheran. This plan will be considered at the May Congregational Meeting. Thank you for your support of this important process for Christ Lutheran!

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