
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pentecost Sermon

For Pentecost, the sermon was perhaps a little different.  It's based on this video from some professors at Luther Seminary - which you can view at the bottom of the sermon.  Click below to read the sermon.

Go ahead. Admit it.

You're wondering about the future, maybe worrying
Do we even have a future? Look at the economy – look at the chaos in the world . . .
Will our church survive?
Will our children have faith?
Will our faith have children?
There are so many challenges between us and in the world
we're getting older
how are we going to pay the bills?
We don't know the people next door anymore. Why would they want to come to our church?
People pass by
We don't know them
no one comes in
they are
we are inside
and so we wait
and watch
and worry
but we don't know what to do
won't someone come and help us?
These are BIG questions
But you are not the first to ask them . . .
Did you know there's a story in the bible that is exactly like this. Do you remember?
It's 50 days after Easter. There are only a few followers left. People pass by – outside. They are inside - waiting, watching - and they don't know what to do
Jesus has died, risen, and ascended,
and they feel they are without a leader or a direction to go in.
and then it happens
Tongues of Fire
and . . .
What just happened?
On that first Pentecost day, no one came and took away the disciples' problems
Instead - The Spirit comes and creates a new one
Yes. The Holy Spirit
shows up and creates a problem - they can't stay inside
they have to go out and
and love
they just can't help it
It was Pentecost. It is Pentecost, 50 days after Easter.
So I've got bad news - and good news.
The bad news is, there is no one coming to fix your problems. Pentecost doesn't make all the early disciples' problems disappear. Being a Christian and having a relationship with God doesn't make life perfect.
But there is good news. The good news is, the solutions you seek are all around you. God gives you the tools to find them.
The good news is, Holy Spirit comes to you.
God gives you strength
and courage
and compassion
and a story to tell
Our problem isn't
or divisions
or arguments.
Because of Pentecost, our problem is
we've got a story to tell
and we can't help but tell it.
We've got a story of babies, children, and adults, who at this font God claimed and saved once and for all.
We've got a story, of members here fifty years plus, living their faith in the world.
We've got a story, of the Holy Spirit nudging us to introduce ourselves to someone new, to share with someone as I know you do, hey, I'll pray for you on that, or sharing your deep faith.
We've got a story, of members doing God's work, with our hands, from the community meal right here, to Calais, Maine in our upcoming mission trip.
We've got a story, of how over the more than 140 years this corner of Lancaster streets has been a foothold for God's word, and for welcoming all people, including now with things like movie nights, where we can extend Jesus' hospitality and provide our community with what it needs.
We've each got a story. A story of ups and downs, a story of faith and doubt. We've each got a problem – you don't choose the Holy Spirit – in baptism God washes you in that spirit, and gives you the gifts you need as an individual, unique child of God, gifts to share your faith in the world.
But we've got THE story, of Jesus's love, for all people, and it makes all difference.
Now imagine
one person
reaching out to another
and then another
and another.
To tell
Because we can't help it. It's the problem of Pentecost, a good problem to have – the problem that we can't help but share our faith.
It's the Holy Spirit. It's here.
It's Pentecost. Amen.

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