
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry (almost) Christmas!

From the Faith and Politics Institute - Oren Arnold provides the following gift suggestions for the Christmas season:
"Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect."

A Christmas video - this is from the children of the Tender Hands organization in Mumbai (Bombay), India.  When I was there last January, we visited with the couple that heads this Christian organization.  They showed us the film they have made, The Real Slumdogs, which shows the real life of street children in Mumbai, of which there are modestly estimated to be 250,000.  (For more on this, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De5Iwxg5RN0 .)  Tender Hands rescues and rehabilitates these street children, and is also seeking to empower women who have been victimized or downtrodden.  We also met many of their children and shared a meal at their home where they house a few of their children.  It is a wonderful, Christ-centered mission organization which at its heart is just about love.  So it seems fitting to share with you this video their children made to tell the Christmas story:

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