
Here you will find sermons, devotions, prayers, and conversation for the family of faith at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster, PA as well as all visitors to this page. Comments are welcome on any of the posts here. CELC Vicar Evan Davis now writes and maintains this website.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The resurrected life

In January 2010, I was traveling in India when one morning's newspaper told us the news of the earthquake in Haiti.  I was with a small group of seminarians, one of whom was from Wartburg Seminary.  Many of her classmates were on a similar trip, doing service in Haiti at the time of the earthquake.  Ben Larson, senior seminarian, died that day in the ruin of the earthquake in Haiti.
His wife, now pastor, Renee Splichal Larson, talks in this video about the resurrected life. 
All of us have experienced loss.  In this Easter season, we talk a lot about resurrection.  But what does that actually look like in our daily lives, in our lives?

The last months and year have brought far too many stories of natural disasters and the wake of destruction they have brought.  Prayers are added today for the people of Joplin Missouri, the newest devastated headline-makers, but all people recovering from loss and destruction old and new.

Easter holds real promises for new life. 
2 Corinthians 5:17:  So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!

Sermon from 5/22 - The Father's Home

This past Sunday, we hosted Mr. Otinel Mlimba, general secretary of Konde Diocese the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, our companion in mission and ministry.  It was a joy to hear from him, especially during the Sunday school hour, and learn and share our faith together.  The sermon below is based on the gospel text for the day, John 14:1-14, and probing the concepts of feeling lost contrasted with this image of the Father's house/home.

I'm not lost.
It's just that I don't know exactly where I'm going. . .
No matter how much you pride yourself on being good at directions or aware of your surroundings, everyone has been lost at some point in their lives. It's a troubling feeling. The disciples were troubled too. Even as they travel with Jesus, they are worried, focused on where exactly they are headed and what it will look like. Thomas echoes the concerns of all of the disciples, and us - “Lord, we do not know where you are going, how can we know the way?”

This is a nagging fear, even if we know, as Thomas did – that Jesus is leading. Where are we going? There has been a lot of discussion and anxiety in the news this week about the so-called rapture and where we are going when Jesus returns, or after you die, but I don't even mean that. I mean where are you going – after church? Where are you going in your career? With your family? Where is your heart going? All of these at times can make us anxious, when we feel we don't know the way, or find ourselves in unfamiliar or surprising surroundings. I wonder if on any time on Otinel's journey to us, on his many flights, he thought – where am I going?!

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Best" Life versus Abundant Life

Below is the sermon from May 15, 2011.  The bible text is John 10:1-10, with a little flavor of Psalm 23 thrown in.

Vicar Brett Wilson – Easter 4a – John 10:1-10 – 5/15/11 – CELC Lancaster

The other day I was at the grocery store, and needed butter, or margarine spread. I bought what was on sale, and didn't think too much of it. But at home as I spread my bagel, I realized the label said in large print – “best life” and in smaller print – buttery spread. I thought – what did I buy? What kind of name is “bestlife?” I did a little research. These “bestlife” products are a part a program headed by Bob Greene, Oprah's physical trainer. The buttery spread products are the only ones with the bestlife name. But there is a whole line of bestlife approved foods, which get the bestlife logo as a seal on the package. For a fee, you can get on the Best Life diet plan. Bob Greene has also written a book called “The Life You Want!” subtitle, “Get Motivated, Lose Weight, & Be Happy.”

I looked this all up though, because I wanted to know what was actually IN this spread I bought, and stumbled upon something quite different. I may be buying a butter-flavored, vegetable oil based spread, but is that what they're selling? Or is Greene and really, the whole industry, trying to sell you your bestlife?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Christ meets you on the road - Sermon from 5/8

Vicar Brett Wilson – Easter 3A – 5/8/11 – Luke 24:13-35 – CELC Lancaster

Two disciples walk along an ordinary, insignificant road outside Jerusalem. A stranger comes up alongside, and asks, “What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?” They stood still, looking sad, (and maybe a bit confused) Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn't know the news? Are you the only outsider who hasn't heard what has happened?”

One of my friends said that the disciples essentially respond to this stranger like, “What, have you been living under a rock?” To which Jesus could reply, “well, sorta . . .”

Haven't you heard the news?

Sermon from 5/1

Vicar Brett Wilson – Easter 2A – John 20:19-31 – CELC Lanc - 5/1/11

No matter your age, perhaps you remember that feeling at the pit of your stomach.

You accidentally broke your mother's vase, or your dad just found out through the grapevine what your friends were actually up to last weekend, or you just know that report card is coming in the mail.

So out of fear, you run to your room, and lock the door behind you, waiting . . .

And when you hear the doorknob turn or the knock rap on the door, your stomach sinks, because you can imagine the exact phrase that will be hurled, and that you deserve it.